Selenium and its Relationship to Cancer

P. D. Whanger Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 The statements “Selenium may reduce the risk of certain cancers” and “Selenium may produce anticarcinogenic...

B vitamins may reduce stroke risk: Meta-analysis

By Stephen Daniells, 30-May-2012 Supplements of B vitamins may reduce the risk of stroke by about 12%, according to a new meta-analysis published in Clinical Nutrition.

Dark chocolate consumption linked with heart benefits

By Nathan Gray, 04-Jun-2012 Consumption of dark chocolate could help to shrink the risk of heart disease in people with metabolic syndrome, according to new scientific data.

Folic acid supplements may slow artery hardening: Study

By Stephen Daniells, 06-Jun-2012 Daily supplements containing folic acid may reduce hardening of the arteries and counter the development of atherosclerosis, suggests a new meta-analysis by Chinese scientists.

Big Fat Lies

Clip from the documentary "Fat Head." Guess what? Fat and cholesterol don't cause heart disease. The theory was based on bogus science from the very beginning.