Selenium and its Relationship to Cancer

P. D. Whanger Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 The statements “Selenium may reduce the risk of certain cancers” and “Selenium may produce anticarcinogenic...

Mineral Absorption and Deficiency

Mineral Absorption and Deficiency By Yvette R. Schlussel, Ph.D. SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS: A wide range of minerals is essential for human health. The recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) serve as guidelines for...

Green Tea and Cancer: A Summary of the Evidence

Prepared by David Heber MD, PhD, FACP, FACN April 23, 2003 SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS: Green tea consumption has been associated in population studies reviewed below with a decreased risk of cancer...

Amino acid may ease symptoms of fatigue: Study

By Stephen Daniells, 25-Nov-2008 Daily supplements of the amino acid l-ornithine, found in foods such as meat, fish, dairy and eggs, may have anti-fatigue effects, says new research.

Elderly muscles benefit from amino acid supplements

By Stephen Daniells, 06-Mar-2008 Supplementing the diet of elderly people with the full set of essential amino acids can boost their lean body mass, strength and physical function, according to...

An Evaluation of Liquid Vitamin-Mineral Supplement Technology

An Evaluation of Liquid Vitamin-Mineral Supplement Technology GERHARD N. SCHRAUZER, D.Sc. FACN, CNS ABSTRACT Liquid multivitamin-mineral preparations are gaining popularity among those who believe that liquid (or colloidal) nutrients are...